peacemakingThe Peacemaking Committee exists to carry out peacemaking activities at Trinity, in the Topeka community, and around the world. These activities include interpersonal peacemaking, peacemaking with the Earth, and actions to promote peace and understanding with our global brothers and sisters. We are a Matthew 25 church whose ministries promote congregational vitality by dismantling structural racism and eradicating systemic poverty and much of the committee’s work addresses these issues.
Matthew 5:9: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”
Areas of Focus
Partnership with Los Talpetates, EL Salvador
The Peacemaking Committee has been part of the Los Talpetates Companion Community Project since 1991. Trinity’s focus has been on improving the village school and medical services. Trinity has assisted with school building improvements, pays two teachers’ salaries, provides scholarships for several Talpetates students to attend high school and college and also pays a stipend to health care workers. Our friendship continues to grow and thrives as we accompany the people of Talpetates towards their goal of community development.
Peace and Global Witness Offering
The Peacemaking Committee supports and interprets the Peace and Global Witness Offering that the Presbyterian Church collects each October in coordination with World Wide Communion. 25% of this offering is used to support a Shawnee County peace and justice ministry, such as Florence Crittenton Services, Oxford Houses, or the YWCA Center for Safety and Empowerment.
Topeka JUMP (Justice Unity & Ministry Project)
Topeka JUMP is an interfaith coalition of over 30 congregations in Shawnee County. The congregations are denominationally, racially and economically diverse. JUMP is the vehicle by which Trinity members work to live out God’s requirement to seek justice. JUMP works address the root causes of injustices in Shawnee County. It challenges community leaders to make policy and funding changes that solve serious community problems such as homelessness, violent crime, mental illness and poor public transit. Visit the JUMP website.
Center for Peace and Justice
Through the Peacemaking Committee, Trinity provides financial support and works with the Topeka Center for Peace and Justice whose mission is to promote justice and peace through education and action for social change. Some of the ongoing projects of the Topeka Center for Peace and Justice include Juvenile Victim Offender Mediation, an initiative to educate and stop human trafficking, annual Peace Camp for elementary students, Restorative Justice Circles, and Whose Dream Is It?” dinner held on Martin Luther King Day. More Information
Green Team (Greening of Trinity)
The Peacemaking Committee supports environmental stewardship and education at Trinity which includes the recycling of batteries, print cartridges and other recyclables.
Prayer Wall
The Prayer Wall is available for people who have prayer concerns and want members of the congregation to offer prayers for those concerns. Members of the Peacemaking Committee monitor the Prayer Wall and lift up the concerns in prayer.