Guide to Online Giving FundsGEneral Operating Fund
This supports our annual budget. Our annual pledges and tithes are designated towards the General Operating Fund.
Per capita
Per Capita is a per-member assessment that is determined annually. For 2025, the assesment is approximately $38 per member. Trinity’s per capita paymet will support the activities of the Persbytery of Northern Kansas, Synod of Mid America, and the Office of the General Assembly.
Deacons Fund
Donations to the Deacons Fund support the care ministry of the Trinity Deacons whose responsibility is to address the physical, mental, and emotional needs of Trinity members and friends.
Gifts and Memorials Fund
In the event of a person’s death, friends and family members often give money in honor of the deceased. Please indicate the name of the deceased in the “notes” box of the giving page.
Heartland Camps Fund
Supports scholarships used to send Trinity youth to Heartland Camps. If you are giving money to a specific Trinity youth, please indicate the name(s) in the “notes” on the giving page.
Youth Projects Fund
Trinity Youth take part in a variety of mission and fellowship activities throughout the year. This fund offsets some of the expense. If you are giving money to support a specific Trinity youth, please indicate their name(s) in the “notes” section on the giving page.
Los Talpetates Fund
Supports scholarships for students in Los Talpetates, El Salvador.
Denominational Offerings
One Great Hour of Sharing
Typically received during the season of Lent, each gift to One Great Hour of Sharing supports efforts to relieve hunger through the Presbyterian Hunger Program, promote development through the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People, and assist in areas of disaster through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.
Pentecost Offering
A gift to the Pentecost Offering helps the church encourage, develop, and support its young people, and also address the needs of at-risk children. 40% of the Pentecost offering can be retained by individual congregations wanting to make an impact in the lives of young people within their own community. The remaining 60% is used to support children-at-risk, youth, and young adults through ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency.
Peace and Global Witness Offering (formerly called Peacemaking)
A gift to the Peace & Global Witness Offering enables the church to promote the Peace of Christ by addressing systems of conflict and injustice across the world. Individual congregations are encouraged to utilize up to 25% of this Offering to connect with the global witness of Christ’s peace. Mid councils retain an additional 25% for ministries of peace and reconciliation. The remaining 50% is used by the Presbyterian Mission Agency to advocate for peace and justice in cultures of violence, including our own, through collaborative projects of education and Christian witness.
Christmas Joy Offering
The Christmas Joy Offering has been a cherished Presbyterian tradition since the 1930s. The Offering distributes gifts equally to the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions and to Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. The Assistance Program provides critical financial support to church workers and their families. Presbyterian-related schools and colleges provide education and leadership development while nurturing racial and ethnic heritage. This has been a Presbyterian commitment for nearly 140 years.