Ways to GiveYour gifts support Trinity’s efforts to share the love of Christ in Topeka and around the world. We extend an invitation to give generously – in the same manner to which God gives to us. Thank you for your faithfulness! This allows us to live out our mission statement to “Glorify God, Share Christ’s Love, Make New Disciples.”
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace”
(1 Peter 4:10)
Ways to Give to Trinity:
Personal Check
Mail to:
Trinity Presbyterian Church
4746 SW 21st Street
Topeka. KS 66604-3510
Online Bill Pay
Set up through your banking institution, designate Trinity as the payee, and have payments sent to our mailing address.
Online Giving
Trinity’s online giving service is hosted by Presbyterian Foundation through Vanco Payment Solutions. The transaction is secure, and your gift is available to Trinity immediately. Follow the prompts to begin your online transaction to Trinity. Trinity Presbyterian Church is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.
Although you are not charged a processing fee when donating online to Trinity, you may choose to give an additional 2% to help offset the processing fee. This option can be found on the “Donation Information” page. Thank you for your gift.
Cash offerings should only be given in a worship service – do not mail! Please consider using a Pew envelope and label it with your name, if desired. If you do not indicate a fund, it will be recorded as a gift for the General Operating Budget.