ADULTSTrinity offers several opportunities to study the Bible, meet new friends, and grow in Faith.
Our current Adult Education options include:

Sunday School

Tuesdays With the Word
9-10:00 am at Café Quetzal. We will be using the book, The Pivot Year, to spur on
our fellowship time and discussion. You do not need the book to join us. Feel free
to come and enjoy a cup of coffee and a delicious breakfast. All are welcome!

Page Turners
Page Turners is a small group at Trinity who meet to discuss a variety of books chosen by the group members.
We gather on most Friday afternoons from 1:30-3:00 for fellowship and thought-provoking discussions.
On the 1 st , 2 nd and 4 th (and 5 th ) Fridays of the month, we meet at Café Quetzal (2111 SW Belle Ave).
On the 3 rd Friday of the month, we meet in the church parlor.
Beginning on February 7, we will be reading Vessels of Love: Prayers and Poems for the Later Years of Life by
Joyce Rupp.
Questions? Contact Carol Thomas, 785-357-1472 or

Woman’s Monthly Bible Studies
Mary Ruth Circle- First Wednesday of the month, 1:30pm in the Parlor
Esther Circle- First Wednesday of the month, gathering at 6:45 and begin our studay at 7:00pm in the Parlor
Mary Ruth and Esther Circle meet September through May. We take off the months of June, July, and August!