Welcome to Trinity Presbyterian Church

Glorify God.
Share Christ’s Love.
Make New Disciples.

Wherever you are on your journey of faith,

you are welcome here!

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Why Trinity?

Our Mission Statement at Trinity is “Glorify God. Share Christ’s Love. Make New Disciples.” If you are looking for a church to attend, want to explore your faith, and desire to help your neighbor, Trinity is the place to start! There are several ways to get involved with our church outside our weekly Sunday worship time.

But most importantly, Trinity is uniquely equipped to offer the connection of a small church with the variety of a larger congregation. When our church friends have a health crisis, for example, our deacons and Pastor coordinate care to deliver meals, make phone calls, and even visit the hospital or care center. 

We have been doing ministry in Topeka for over 70 years, and we continually seek how to best serve our community. We would like to have you join us for Worship at 10:30 this Sunday!

We Offer

  • Small groups for education (think Bible or book study)
  • Small groups for fellowship (such as our monthly lunch bunch and exercise classes)
  • Volunteer opportunities with our mission
  • Sunday school programs from infants to adults

Join us on our livestream  here or our YouTube page.


Current happenings at Trinity


All the ways to join in fellowship and more!

Ministry Teams & Committees

How to get involved!


Our monthly newsletter


Our weekly newsletter

Upcoming Events

February 23- Join us during the 9:30 Sunday school in fellowship hall to listen to our own Dana Schoffellman, CEO of Florence Crittenton share inform about the programs, community involvement, and opportunities for us as Trinity members and Christians to be involved.
image.png We invite you to join us for a Lenten Meditation beginning Ash Wednesday, March 5th and every Wednesday following through April 23. We will gather in the sanctuary at 6:30 for an hour of brief instruction and a time of meditation. 
On March 5th, all present will be given a mala (prayer beads) to use during the 8 week course. These will be yours to keep.
This 8 week meditation will be led by Ryan Kemp-Pappan
ALL ARE WELCOME! Invite a friend to join you for this time of renewal.

Line Dance Lessons – Tuesdays at 10 am

FACTS – Tuesday at 6 pm – Fellowship, Arts, Crafts, on Tuesdays, with Snacks

Aerobics – Tuesday and Friday at 4 pm

Square Dance Lessons – Saturday 10 am – noon

Yoga – Thursdays at 5 pm

Lunch Bunch Join us for Lunch Bunch on Wednesday, February 26 at 11:15 am at Washburn University 1700 SW College Avenue.  Jeffrey Jackson, Dean Washburn University Law School will speak and give us a tour of the Law School at Washburn University.  Parking lot 12 is close to the Robert J. Dole Hall School of Law (see attached campus parking map) but there are limited spaces.  All parking is free at Washburn University.  Please do not park in reserved parking.  If you wish to carpool from Trinity, meet at 10:30 am at the church.  Otherwise meet inside the front doors (Commons Area) of the Law School (2073 SW Washburn Terrace E) at 11 am.  After the tour, we will eat lunch at Ichabod Grille 1521 SW 21st Street.  Please note that all Ichabod Grille menu prices are based on cash sales.  Additional fees are charged for the use of credit cards.  Each person is responsible for paying for their own lunch.  Friends are welcome.  Please contact Karen Meenen with any questions.

Monthly activities for MoMENtum men’s group.  Watch this space for upcoming events. Join us for Faith – Fellowship – Fun – and Service.

Watch here for more information.

Check our full calendar for all details.

Get Connected

The difference between going to church and becoming part of the church family is all about making connections. We are a growing church family and enjoy spending time together, supporting each other and having fun together. We hope you can join us!


Our Road to Easter

March 5th Ash Wednesday @ 1st Presbyterian  Noon  Combined congregations

April 13th Palm Sunday & Youth Breakfast at Trinity

April 17th Maundy Thursday @ Trinity Presbyterian 6:30pm 

April 18th Good Friday @ Trinity Presbyterian 7pm Combined congregations

April 24th Easter Sunday @ Trinity Presbyterian 10:30am Special music, handbells, and choir


Trinity Presbyterian Church extends a warm welcome to all who worship with us.

Trinity Presbyterian Church
4746 SW 21st Street
Topeka, KS 66604
785. 272. 2620